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Visegrad Grants
International Visegrad Fund
02/01/2024, 06/01/2024, 10/01/2024
Visegrad Grants
V4 országok szervezetei
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Visegrad Grants

Visegrad grants support regional partnerships among NGOs and civil society organizations, public institutions and municipalities, private companies and nonprofit organizations as well as education and research centers that contribute to cooperation in the Visegrad region.
- Projects must develop meaningful cooperation and active participation of organizations from at least 3 V4 countries
- Bilateral cross-border cooperation of at least 2 organizations from 2 neighboring V4 countries also qualify for support with projects taking place within a 40-km radius from the border and focusing on a local issue
- Maximum duration of project implementation is 18 months
- Grants can cover up to 100% of project budget with 15% for overheads
- Projects must address at least one of the objectives of the grant program´s seven focus areas
To apply for Visegrad Grants, your project must address one of the objectives of the grant program from the seven focus areas eligible for funding.

Culture and Common Identity
- Projects creating/presenting common audiovisual, literary, and other contemporary art products to new audiences
- Projects reflecting on common historical and cultural heritage as well as cultural diversity by joint research and knowledge-sharing activities
- Projects establishing and fostering cooperation among municipalities, regions, and local groups through common cultural activities

Education and Capacity Building
- Projects strengthening professional networks of educational institutions and supporting mobility of students, researchers, and educators to share best practices
- Projects improving hard and soft skills for the 21st century through formal and non-formal educational methods

Innovation, R&D, Entrepreneurship
- Projects aiming to build up new business and cluster networks for SMEs, startups, and research institutions within and outside the V4
- Projects tackling economic challenges and improving the ecosystem for businesses and social enterprises through joint lobbying, common policy solutions and exchange of best practices
- Projects dealing with innovation, new technologies and scientific research on regional and cross-sectoral levels

Democratic Values and the Media
- Projects promoting active participation of citizens in democratic decision-making processes and fostering democratic debate
- Projects promoting transparency and the fight against corruption by supporting knowledge-exchange and capacity-building of whistleblowers, investigative journalists, and watchdogs
- Projects improving media and information literacy, and increasing resilience towards biased reporting, disinformation, and propaganda
- Projects aiming for better media coverage of relevant topics in the V4 region and increased access to information

Public Policy and Institutional Partnership
- Projects connecting the expert communities to find joint solutions to common policy challenges
- Projects promoting active lobbying for policy change and good governance and connecting relevant stakeholders with decision-makers

Regional Development, Environment and Tourism
- Projects offering new solutions and activities to the fight against climate change and raising awareness of environmental protection within and outside the V4 region
- Projects aiming at sustainable tourism development on the local and regional levels by combining international expertise and shared know-how
- Projects aiming at finding and sharing innovative solutions in local and regional infrastructure development, urban planning, land revitalization and agriculture

Social Development
- Projects promoting an inclusive mindset in society and addressing protection and empowerment of
You can submit your project proposals via My Visegrad during the submission period which opens 30 days before the deadline-February 1, June 1, October 1 at 12.00 PM (noon).

Consulting your project proposal is possible via e-mail, phone, skype or by appointment. Any consultation can take place up to 14 days before the application deadline.

For the step-by-step guidance on how to prepare your application, familiarize yourself with the updated Grant Guidelines and watch our video guide with useful tips below.

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